March Book of the Month: Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie

We are beyond excited to announce that our book club pick for March is Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie! This gorgeous queer YA coming-of-age story will most definitely capture our hearts and we cannot wait to dive in in just a couple of weeks!

Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie

A teen girl navigates friendship drama, the end of high school, and discovering her queerness in Ophelia After All, a hilarious and heartfelt contemporary YA debut by author Racquel Marie.

Ophelia Rojas knows what she likes: her best friends, Cuban food, rose-gardening, and boys – way too many boys. Her friends and parents make fun of her endless stream of crushes, but Ophelia is a romantic at heart. She couldn’t change, even if she wanted to.

So when she finds herself thinking more about cute, quiet Talia Sanchez than the loss of a perfect prom with her ex-boyfriend, seeds of doubt take root in Ophelia’s firm image of herself. Add to that the impending end of high school and the fracturing of her once-solid friend group, and things are spiraling a little out of control. But the course of love–and sexuality–never did run smooth. As her secrets begin to unravel, Ophelia must make a choice between clinging to the fantasy version of herself she’s always imagined or upending everyone’s expectations to rediscover who she really is, after all.

Early reviewers have been in love with this queer Latinx YA contemporary and its realistic portrayals of friendship and the high school experience. If you adore big, amazing, diverse friend groups, some epic drama, and stories that deal with figuring out and embracing your queerness, than this book is just for you!

Sincer we want you to always stay safe and keep your well-being in mind, we suggest you check out the trigger warnings before deciding to join us. *heart emoji*

CW: mentions of underage drinking and vaping, topical mentions of sex, cut-off use of a homophobic slur (challenged), condemned homophobia, discussion of anti-Blackness within a mixed race Latine family (challenged) (as provided by the author)

The readalong will take place from March 6th till March 11th and the book club chat will be hosted on March 13th. If you want to join us, head on over to our Instagram account and let us know that you’d like to be added to the group chat for Ophelia After All!

We also have some exciting news connected with this readalong so stay tuned!

6/03: Chapter 1 – 4
Chapter 5 – 9
Chapter 10 – 13
Chapter 14 – 18
Chapter 19 – 22
Chapter 23 – end

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